Hypothesis: Can a person using words, imagery, and music setup a physical space in a public venue where any person (despite their belief system) is able to create art, where the venue is ancillary to a Christian church.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005


Caveat: in coming to terms with the final, utmost, masterpiece revelation, I realized that there may be need for explanation. As the events were concluding at the Everyday Joe’s Venue and the month was coming to a close, it occurred to me that I ought to sum up the entire experience. I understood that I would use art, to do this.

Most of my work comes from inspiration, a sudden idea, fast, quick, and potent, which crosses my mind. I’m left, then, to act upon this. In keeping with the experiment, inspiration came in spiritual form; hence a revelation.

I don’t gather how explaining, or justifying this type of creativity is so necessary. It comes to me. It always has. I am forced to either express it or ignore it.

As noted, the experiment has been likened to a trial. Perhaps the last decade of my life was a trial. Whether or not to reveal this revelation has also been a trial.

And so I present the Truth and Lies Experiment : The Revelation

Portrait of the New Artist as a Young Man, 2005

Words are vain. When speaking in a term of what this is. My intention was to light a candle. To somehow lean on a power more powerful than I.

This here is a revelation:

"I am the Lord your God, king of the universe, and such.
This is my servant whom I’ve sent to relay this message.
He is reluctant to deliver this message as any human would be.
He would rather have fun, do things people call 'partying.' "

"My people chase things and delude themselves all day long.
They are not aware of the whole point of being alive.
The point of being alive is to know me."

"And yet you cannot understand those simple words.
The Bible can certainly be a way of knowing me."

"I am the voice of reason.
The educator.
The operating system of change."

"Every pursuit in man leads to man."


the experiement has concluded. please allow a few days for this blog to be updated and finalized. the results will be posted shortly . . . .

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Marathon Paint

the new ground (work) . . .

Monday, May 23, 2005

crowd Fav'

Jazz Me together, 2005, Acrylic, 56" x 60", $527
copyright © kEith

Jazz Me together, the crowd favorite; it worked best, I believe, on account of it mixing well with the brick wall the large paintings were hung on.

Don Vogl local abstract painter and long-time paint instructor suggested, "Keep painting blue."

Artists are now coming forward and securing extended stays at Everyday Joe's.

Observation: This is pioneering work.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Freedom of the Press : kEith and Picasso

above: excerpt from the Fort Collins Coloradoan May 20, 2005 : kEith kimmel & Picasso

Locals perhaps know the difficulty getting the Fort Collins Coloradoan to cooperate when it comes to deeper news. Remarkably, though, the paper, part of the Gannett conglomerate, saw to mention the Truth and Lies Experiment in their Friday Ticket a (What to do for the weekend) section. [Editors we are grateful for the recognition.]

The 3 featured weekend events included the Truth and Lies Experiment, The Ringling Broths. and Barnum and Bailey Circus and a Picasso exhibit, "Picasso: His Art and Influences". Indeed, good company.

“The Greatest Show on Earth,” they call it . 'Course the Ringling circus is so 20th century and seemingly cruel.

Now, Picasso.

I recall the Picasso Documentary on A&E, the one that played (thanks to the Tivo) most everyday in March while I feverishly painted in the basement, the Truth and Lies Experiment being produced, you know.

Can’t help but think, being in the paper, Picasso and me together. Perhaps he's been here all along?

Observation: When I was 20, I had a vision watching Pope John Paul II's Christmas Mass on television. This cathedral had balconies. There, in the seats were dead, famous people, like Abe Lincoln. This vision was as real as anything, not like a hallucination or what. So these dead people were attending the mass, they seemd to be free to come and go as they pleased. And I was the only living human, it seemed, who could see them.

I never saw Picasso.

Now, in the poster, which can be seen when one first enters the Truth and Lies Experiement venue, I quote Juan Gris, the cubist who Gertrude Stein acknowledged, "was the one person that Picasso would have willingly wiped off the map."

Abstract Thought: Could I interact with an artist no longer here, yet somewhere, in some other place?

Friday, May 20, 2005

Peace March (walking for peace)

Tonight David Lauer (Running Cloud) offered poetry with Paul. Radicals, Protesters, and Survivors this crew had much to share, and it was good.

The experiment brought the core of Peace Protestors into the Venue. Certainly we all felt tattered, given the political climate and all, but certainly peace was found, and mostly understanding, recognition that fighting this thing (you know fighting, anger and all), fighting this Bush thing, ain’t going to help anything. They’ve got the game all wrapped up….. Terror being the X factor here.

Great conversation with Lynne Hull local Eco-artist about finding alternatives to anger (so tempting, anger is). We thought about the future of Fort Collins—how fine it would be to have this city become an artist Mecca, a shining creative destiny, if you will. The vision was there… what with all the creative’s here

She pointed me towards Arts Alive and FC MOCA (museum of modern contemporary art). I look forward to meeting those folks, exchanging ideas and such.

Paul, the poet did a piece with a puma (big cat) mask on, curious, creative, exceptional, no doubt. Paul also spoke of his walk across America for peace.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


Deborah read her poetry tonight, along with guests. She proved that indeed she was a poet. She hinted she would bring an oven on stage, a memorial to Sylvia Plath. The oven never showed, but Deborah did in her colorful spring attire.

Monday, May 16, 2005


Who can forget Suzanne Sinclair's debut poetry reading. Suzzane head barista over at the Joe's brought down the house with her honest, sincere, exceptionally brilliant poetry. She certainly could do it everyday of the week and make folks proud. As a benefit to the Experiment she offered to read requesting donations as incentive. Well the donations came and everybody, including my mother who happened to make a visit all the way from South Florida, was inspired.

Nights like this are what the experiment is all about--exposing the creativity. A great result, a great time. Yes!

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Vance Gilbert

singer song writer Vance Gilbert drew in a crowd of about 80 folks performing his folk music this pleasant Saturday evening.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Two Fingers Poetry

Planned months before truth and lies ever was envisioned, this act proved to be just what the experiment needed. a beatnik lot filled with seasoned poets and performers, the 2 fingers group had their vibe together, proving that hip cats still rule the spoken word spectrum.

kEith spoke and shook up the scene offering his premise to the truth and lies experiment and reading a bit from the truth and lies (words and such) poetry compilation.

one beat poet picked up on the whole mal-creator prophecy that kEith read from the premise, suggesting that he was indeed a mal-creator. a confession, perhaps? he did have a piece that was called "nothing" glorifying, in fact "nothing". kEith suggested he couldn't be a mal-creator as mal-creator's use their creations for evil, loser politicians have been known to do this.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Delayed Reaction

This night Delayed Reaction was supposed to perform their duo acoustic act. They play cover, pop, tunes. Of course the management at Joe's had already had an issue with all the loud music during the weekdays, people here studying for their finals and all so the show ended up having to be rescheduled.

What happened instead was more profound anyhow as truth prevaled with some spontaneous painting creations by kEith kimmel and deborah russell.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

road map

the blog, as it were, is the road map.
this thing has just begun.
who but us, these producers, these romantics, these dreamers;
who, but us, can clear this path?
like the ox who chewed the cud, the road that need be trod.
we are the warriors of this holy town.
so tell them.
the blog you lead them to is:
forward . . . to the people.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

message in a bottle

Day 10 Hypothesis

This is an experiment:

Can this broken soul cluster find bread? These characters, the worst of whose delusions manifest out their ass like some sulfur, hot, cloud.

Each more blinded then the last, Desperate for the world.

I did not choose this-- to be the strongest soul here.

The easier would be to flatter.

Yes! This is an experiment. Look around you, you are being saved.

I walk the road less, less, leslie traveled as all other roads have only showed me death.

And this experiment. Oh which you are all participants. Of which all of you have participated in, it will never leave you now. It will plant and root and echo for the rest of your days.

Perhaps I should have been more forward?

So come back and read this blog, and read the other works and wake up and do good and when you must, walk on hell demons.


The troop from Matter Literary Magazine showed up tonight to perform their poetry, music ensemble. Fine time had by all.

Subtle, yet sublime, the highlight for me, as an observor, and of course a scientist, this being the experiment and all, was the curious point when one performer, seemed unable to amplify his record. That is, when he spoke into the mic, the mic didn't work. Now then this was 3/4 into the show and Luke, who was running sound, couldn't have known the material that was to be spoken. The mic just chose not to work this moment.

Humorously, this poets work happened to be the most vulger of the lot, a simple rant using the word "Fuck" every so often.

Now as an artist, I have not any concern with the word "Fuck". I used it enough in the Jeremy's Prophecy Dot Com novel I wrote. Still, though, I do think now that there are better, more challenging ways to express. But, I have no issue with profanity. Rub is, the venue, and its affiliations, are not to keen and rather sensitive when it comes to profanity.

So why did the mic, mysteriously just shut off? I was there and I know nobody knew the material to be read. The mic going out was a sudden technical difficulty. Or was it?

I propose that this was a super-natural occurance. In order to protect the sesitivities of the venue whom speak of God in literal (no cursing) ways. This poets energy, his prideful countenance, his coksure glances, he was destined to be muted as per the guidelines and premise noted:

Do this and watch as I reveal my creative ways.

Do not be concerned of those with critical and misguided beliefs, those with inflated pride or those who cry “shame”. Those who choose to be fearfully, judgmental will be of little importance in this space. They will be instantly revealed for what they are— mal-creators, responsible for all negative consequences that plague the earth.

The mic miraculously being muted. A small example of the majesty of the experiment.

Monday, May 09, 2005


one of the first deKeith's

Something about collaboration, or creativity, or purpose. Be what it is, the deKeith's have been born. Keith Kimmel (kEith) and Deborah Russell combine to make these unique paintings in a whirlwind of spontaneity.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

the Controversy (or hyper artist)

I've got more hats than the bleachers at Wrigley.

so as if producing , creating, marketing, hosting, laughing, cavorting, networking, sleeping, and pet-loving isn't enough ... now I'z gottsta be a diplomat as well !!!

if the whlole lot of sensitivos that have seen fit to indulge their power upon this ART Bizarre.

Note: Friday 5-6-05 7:34 PM
Place: In Front of Birkum Yoga
Kind artist finishes his cup of sweet evening wine given to him by a patron of the art walk festival. Kind artist proceeds to throw empty cup in yoga studio's garbage can by the front entrance. Disgruntled owner proceeds to take garbage out of can and return it back to kind artist "Tsk . . . Tsk . . ." Not in this place.

And a heartily $20 a seesion Namaste to you Hypicritovio. Kind artist puts cup back in the grabage can.

As if God comes in a fast food to go kit-- these yoga places or "the stretch coach follies."

Anyhow, the experiment is going oh so well. And when I retire half of these hats and be totally an artist, after I secure my assitant Deborah to help out, the MASTERPIECES will begin to emerge and all these fun, mad days will be a hazy steppin stone on the foothills of Mount Sublime.

Saturday, May 07, 2005


not for any other than to capture these moments.
and lead the horse to water.

common gallery coming soon.

Friday, May 06, 2005

The Assistant

The fates had their way this First Friday in May.

That is, a laboratory needs an assistant.

Walking alone down College Avenue putting up flyers, telling the multitude, in the rapids of the city, a small pebble making waves, fighting the currents, maneuvering, when I rest with food, the Spicy Pickle. I make an order, go around the way to the Benson gallery, oh the whole lot of nothing, but still, I see Deborah, assisting, offering drinks for the gallery’s event, the First Friday event.

Bold of me to explain to her that I’m on to something genius, that indeed this is a profound experiment that she must see.

And Sisa enters. An adventurer, no doubt, from a generation before mine, she suggests I take my foot out of my mouth.

I didn’t mean to say Deborah was dead. Who knows? I do know that Sisa took the 3 of us on a journey through town to some of the galleries showing their work. And we laughed, and we dreamed, and we discovered that art is here in this town, if not only to be made clear by Deborah and me, the artist and his assistant.

To the Truth and Lies we went, of where I read the Truth and Lies Premise, and toured with them the Venue.

Deborah left in a huff while I read some chapters of the latest novel I’m writing. She needed a cigarette, her excuse.

Later that night, while attempting to pull off the impossible--or bringing a group of drunken liberals to the venue so to hear me strum the acoustic, more drama ensues.

The rub here was, the sound and microphones were not wired, setup, or ready to work. Now at Everyday Joe’s, the Truth and Lies Experiment venue, they have a stage and sound equipment, they prefer it to be run by somebody who works there. The workers at Everyday Joe’s are all volunteer; all volunteer except Suzanne the Curator for the Arts and head Barista, she makes a stipend for her efforts.

So the key was to setup the sound and bring the 25 or so partiers to the venue.

Now Bob, the Baristo, working behind the counter, he says I should ask Tim, a sound person, a volunteer, if he would setup the sound.

I ask Tim who is sitting with a group on the couches seemingly friendly enough. He asks if I am on the schedule to play that night. In my mind this is a silly question. As discussed with and agreed upon by Suzanne, I am on the schedule every night, this being a month long art experiment. In negotiations it was decided that “the sky was the limit” that Everyday Joe’s would allow me to do what I wish, as the artist, everyday and every night.

Somehow this volunteer, Tim didn’t hear the good news about the experiment. He decided to exercise some sort of power and declare that I wasn’t on the schedule and therefore he would not setup the sound.

Now, I’ve got 25 drunken liberals who would rather drink then walk the ½ block it would take to get to the venue. But I really think it would be good to play this night with this group.

I ask Tim, I say: “If God were here right now, would you even recognize him. Would you even know?”

See Tim to me at this point is being fearful, and full of spiritual pride. There is an air about him that he wants to protect the sacredness of this Everyday Joe’s place. He seems judgmental thinking, me and my, drunken liberal friends ought not to be welcome in his place, being a volunteer there.

Of course my intention is to bring these to those. So as to let this God, the Timberline Church speaks of (the church which funds the Everyday Joe’s) decide for Him/Her/Itself whether or not anybody belonged or didn’t. I was to use the guitar as the link, the meeting point, the bridge. But then there was Tim. Tim who would rather exercise his power and play God, and decide that he was going to break the agreement decided upon.

So this man, to me, was exercising folly. He had a chance (if he could see the forest from the trees) to bring people together in the house of the God that he seems to worship. (Course he calls God, Jesus. And there's no reason to even get into the whole Pharisee Conversation, or that Jesus was a recalcitrant and hung out with prostitutes and certainly would have welcomed my music, and drunken friends, into his house.)

So it ended there and I played outside, in front of the bar where the drunken liberals were drinking.

The Tim issue did not go away. (Read later dated posts) Let me tell you this guy went crazy. I mean he wanted to cancel the whole experiment! Piping steamed was he.

Thursday, May 05, 2005


The Truth and Lies Experiment Day 6


That's it. That's the whole of the message today. Do not be confused. That's all that is to be said.

plus this. this can be said too: "this is an experiment, a type of which has probably never occured before. It would be something that anybody who has any notion of nostalgic importance or respect for historcial significance would want to see and be able to say, ' I was there at the beginning.' "

Because the time will come when the whole of the world will know the renowned artist kEith kimmel and he won't be able to just hang out in a coffee shop's interacting intimately with the audience.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

tara lee

tara lee, musician etc. performed tonight to a lucky crowd.
kEith musician played, too, working out the kinks with his Protest Song . . .

you know:

there's a reason for Chuch and State

better separate the 2 before it's too late.
probably won't ever be played again.

Those who haven't heard TaraLee ought too. See where she's playing next at TaraLeeMusic.com

TaraLee closed the night with an African xylophone set moving us all to serene, less wired parts of the globe.

Monday, May 02, 2005

The Premise

the following is written on the front wall of the exhibition:

I went to the mountain top. There I saw with my own eyes the living creator, real in all ways, and an artist, no doubt. He showed me his plans for creation, the ingredients for making gold, the blueprints for separating the sea from the sand.

He lamented with me, he said his intentions were always to share his creative ways with his people, so that they too, could create.

He said that material in the physical realm was easy to change and mold. And that if everybody weren’t so scared they would see this. But, instead people imprison themselves in the belief that this physical world is all there is. That there’s nothing more, that there’s only earth.

Go and propose an experiment, he said. There you will create a space of complete artistic integrity with care for each detail of matter, show the multitude that creativity is natural, that the physical world is malleable, able to be shifted and molded like clay. Encourage them to participate, to shift matter, to see the veil of the physical world lift, so I can show them the more stable worlds beyond.

Do this and watch as I reveal my creative ways.

Do not be concerned of those with critical and misguided beliefs, those with inflated pride or those who cry “shame”. Those who choose to be fearfully, judgmental will be of little importance in this space. They will be instantly revealed for what they are— mal-creators, responsible for all negative consequences that plague the earth.

Go and be strong, be confident in your ways, of you whom with I am well pleased.

the Venue

the Venue (perspective from the sound board at Everyday Joe's)

In the daytime, when the sunlight is just so, the paintings, they grow or photosynthesize like plants.

Nobody denies this place as one of the best in town. Most who walk here do not fail to mention the ease they feel.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

the best part

so if anybody needed some sort of way, or symbol, or what not, to try and understand what REALLY the truth and lies experiment is about, one has to look no further than young Samantha who was there opening night. who took it upon herself to use provided materials and create a fine art piece.

Samantha is of 7 years. she asked me if she could hang her piece; put it on display. and (as I become grateful) she does, there wasn't really a suggestion by any older person to hang the art.

fact: no child can fear the truth.

dAY 1

So the opening night went real . . . exactly as I planned it and it was just the beginning.

tough to conjure these words that communicate to those that weren't there, to say just the right thing. that somehow, some way you'll get what i mean..

i mean it all went so well. people painted on the community canvas, artists came with their work, the space looked great, the food was top-o'-the line, sold some art, people contributed to the artists fund. friends were there. people I'd never met before were there.

people got to see all the work.

tremendous understanding, now, that vision works. that's it have an idea do it, no doubt. and the space has been launched

and those who missed it can still come and be a part of this space. this real space. it's free, as life.